Total Physical Response Storytelling Versus Teaching Proficiency Through Reading and Storytelling

Stories are an quondam but always current tool for conveying meaning and fixing ideas in our memory. Using stories within the language classroom can plow language learning into a smooth and stimulating process. The Teaching Proficiency Through Reading and Storytelling (TPRS) is an effective manner to build a language lesson around a story while keeping students' date and attention high.

Why incorporate stories into strange language teaching?

Learning a new linguistic communication takes time and cannot exist done without memorization exercises. Students repeating new vocabulary or grammar rules in front end of their workbooks are nonetheless a familiar sight in many linguistic communication classes. However, is information technology an efficient and motivational learning arroyo?

In a previous commodity, we analyzed why the traditional methods of linguistic communication teaching, based mainly on rote learning, have limited effectiveness. While memorization is an integral part of studying a new language, in that location are teaching methods that frame this process inside interactive and dynamic contexts, where students are asked to create meaning, not simply to assimilate information technology in a passive fashion.

Crafting stories with students is an constructive way to stimulate learners' memory actively. Stories may announced as elementary, childish fifty-fifty, just they interact powerfully with our cognitive abilities. As Joe Lazauskas and Shane Snow pointedly argued in The Storytelling Border:

"Good stories surprise us. They make us think and feel. They stick in our minds and assist us call back ideas and concepts in a way that a PowerPoint … never can".

If y'all want your students to reach fluency naturally and engagingly, the Teaching Proficiency Through Reading and Storytelling (TPRS) might be the solution you were looking for.

Man telling a story on stage

The groundwork of the TPRS Arroyo

The author of TPRS was Spanish teacher Blaine Ray. In the 1980s Ray developed an original study method based on concepts derived from previous language acquisition strategies.

The authors who nigh influenced Ray's work were Dr. Stephen Krashen and Dr. James Asher, respectively authors of the Input Hypothesis and the Total Physical Response method.

Stephen Krashen developed a theory that attributed a crucial function in language conquering to the so-called Comprehensible Inputs (CI).

Co-ordinate to Krashen, CIs, i.e. language input of which we can grasp the full general significant, are the basis of language acquisition. Krashen uses the expression language acquisition to distinguish it from language learning. The process of acquisition is natural and results from interaction with the environment. On the opposite, the learning process occurs within a structured context, such equally the traditional classroom activities, and is based mainly on the assimilation of language rules and notions.

On the other manus, Dr. Asher's Total Physical Response method is based on the principle that there is an interaction between physical movement and the process of language learning. The formulation of the Total Physical Response model took into account observation of how children acquire to speak their mother tongue, i.e., using concrete movements in response to verbal input.

What elements of the Input Hypothesis and Total Physical Response method went into Ray Blaine's storytelling based didactics strategy? On the one hand, linguistic communication educational activity should leverage Comprehensible Inputs to train the learner to acquire language naturally. On the other hand, it likewise includes the principle that language conquering should exist supported by actions and interactions betwixt students and teachers.

The function of stories

But where does the storytelling come up into place?

Equally the popular saying goes: "people don't remember facts and figures, they think the stories". The truthfulness of this affirmation has been confirmed by studies that accept induced to exploit the potentialities of the storytelling inside of business and institutional contexts.

To put it simply, in the TPRS method, stories are used as a tool to convey comprehensible input - needed to guide students to larn new vocabulary - within a setting that requires continuous advice betwixt learners and teacher. All subjects in the classroom play a role in weaving the plot of the story. At that place is no passive repetition but rather a continuous creative effort - a crucial element in maintaining high student participation.

In this methodology, "acquisition of the target language is anchored in stories that students hear, read, write, tell, and retell in class with the guidance of the teacher. There is a tremendous focus on kickoff comprehending a story and building confidence with it earlier actually writing or telling information technology, the arroyo puts input at the core of the curriculum".

The strength of the TPRS arroyo is that it leverages the persuasive and suggestive ability of storytelling to systematically expose students to foreign languages within a stimulating and interactive context.

As nosotros will run into in the side by side paragraph, stories provide language teachers with a tool to channel students' efforts towards the repetition of verbs, nouns, adjectives.

A typical TPRS lesson begins with the teacher choosing a fix of target words and explaining their meaning to the grade. During the grade of the lesson, students will be led to repeat the target words constantly.

The act of memorization, all the same, is closely linked to the unfolding of the narrative. Students repeat the words as the instructor animates the story. All participants can be involved in the story's development: who are the characters, what volition happen next, what volition be the ending. Students may too be asked to act out parts of the story.

In this way, students digest new vocabulary through a procedure that has been chosen "non-repetitive repetition" -- that is, a way of repeating and memorizing vocabulary anchored to concrete and meaningful situations.

A TPRS language classroom in practice

Just like any good story, a TPRS lesson has several parts. However, we accept isolated the iii most important:

Part 1 :

Choosing the target words . From an instructional perspective, target words are the stars of the story. These are the words that students will need to learn throughout the lesson. The most constructive approach is to choose a maximum of three words and so that students' concentration is not wasted. Then, the teacher lists and explains the pregnant of the target words.

Students need to get acquainted with the selected words. Therefore, requite them time to sympathize the target words' pregnant and acquire their pronunciation.

Moreover, it is important to recall the influence of the Total Physical Response method on the conception of the TPRS. In a TPRS setting, physical activity tin support students in their linguistic communication acquisition journey. Therefore, many teachers encourage students to associate gestures with target words. Gesturing is an constructive way to ballast the meaning of the target words into the learner'due south mind.

Before moving on to the second step, it is essential to make sure that students have understood the meaning of the words presented to them. Therefore, the TPRS as well includes a serial of comprehension checks, known equally Personalized Questions and Answers.

Role two :

Build a story around the target words. This is where the bodily storytelling comes in. The story develops around target words. It doesn't have to be particularly complex, it merely has to convey the pregnant of the selected words and become students to echo them as much as possible.

However, it is important to use the story every bit an element of entertainment to keep students focused. Information technology is adept practise, and so, to invite students to develop the plot of the story. The personalization of the story by the students is an aspect that according to the TPRS methods needs to be properly emphasized.

Only specifically, how do students assimilate target words? This is done through a technique called "parking". Through parking, the teacher suspends the narrative to ask students some questions. The questions should prompt students to respond using the new words.

Role iii :

Reading Comprehension. The last stage provides students with boosted support to practice using and acquiring new words. Reading exercises can be of diverse types and can be done either in class, as a follow-up to the exercise just done in the classroom, or assigned every bit homework.

In the Reading Comprehension phase, the instructor submits a story for students to translate. In this context, the teacher needs to ascertain that the students understand the meaning of each paragraph. Thus, during the reading phase, the focus shifts to understanding the text and acquiring the rules of grammar. All the same, as the TPRS methodology points out, the reading translation "is also implemented to explain the grammar and then that grammer is tied to meaning, not tied to a grammar rule".

The force of the TPRS method is that it helps students aggrandize their vocabulary in a creative and fun way and prompts them to utilise the target words in a natural conversational context immediately.

Sentinel this video to see how an bodily TPRS lesson enfolds

How to utilize new language teaching strategies in your language classroom?

At Sanako, developing language teaching and learning products that assist teachers to create an engaging and efficient language learning environs is the mission nosotros pursue.

Sanako'south language teaching software seeks to provide teachers and students with a flexible and interactive digital environment to experiment with the learning approaches they deem most appropriate.

We believe that the best method of learning a linguistic communication is the one that works for yous and your students.

Through our linguistic communication education software, you can experiment with dissimilar learning methodologies, from Communicative Language Pedagogy to Job-based or Project-based Language Learning.

Sanako offers the opportunity to effort different learning methods because we empathise that not anybody learns the same mode. Still, our goal is to encourage students to actively practice the language, whether through conversations with peers, interacting with the instructor, or studying a field of study in a foreign language.

I f you are interested to learn more well-nigh the virtually advanced linguistic communication teaching methods, cheque out our new Costless EBOOK: " Handbook to current linguistic communication teaching methods "

ebook cover - guide to language teaching methods


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